Thursday, September 29, 2011

This blog is only ok

Guys must hate it when their girl doesn't accept their compliments. What happens in that awkward moment after a guy compliments, say, dinner, and she responds, "eh, it was ok." Fish out more compliments or accept her opinion? It's a lose-lose sitch, as the article in Cosmopolitan June 2011 issue explains. I realize I'm guilty of this very thing, and it's not because I want more attention, or that I'm being modest. Just yesterday, I dissed a compliment given to me. I think it has to do with womens ideals of needing to be "perfect" - society coerces the minds of girls from childhood to apply makeup and look presentable (Barbie, Pretty Pretty Princess, fun makeup kits for girls), have a hot body (Sketchers tone-up shoes for preteens), and to be the "it-mom" or the multi-tasker. So when we personally don't feel we weren't putting our whole effort, or it wasn't the best as it had been in the past, that is when we dis them. I do realize the male's perspective and respect it. It makes perfect sense - when does a guy honestly give out compliments? Not all that often, so when they make a point to do so, it's legit and should be responded with a "thank-you" or some kind of acknowledgment. Besides, you don't want your guy starting to believe and notice your flaws!

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