Thursday, January 21, 2010

First Impressions via the Internet

As of January 1, 2010 I've been part of an online dating community through OkCupid. Now I'm not looking for anyone (especially via the web), but I was encouraged to sign up by my friend Sandra who found her guy on this particular site. I admit I was curious, so I loaded up a picture of me, punched in some interesting facts, and watched my viewings skyrocket to 100+ per week, and my inbox highlighting the many new messages I receive each day. It's pretty crazy... and sometimes annoying to keep up! Don't want to leave anyone hanging even if I'm not interested. There are some decent guys on there, but I haven't met anyone in public yet, and I've been clear as to why I'm on there. I feel mean since it's a bit misleading why I would be on a dating site if I wasn't interested in dating! I figured I could use my insight to let those of you in on what I think grabs my attention:

1. Be creative in your approach. In the midst of 10+ emails, I am more likely to click on one that is specific to what I have on my profile than a subject line reading: "Hi" or "Would you like to get to know me?" etc. Now it seems unfair, because from my understanding, guys are simple and quick-to-the-point kind of creatures. So instead of fumbling around on things like "That's cool you play piano, I play guitar" to later find out the chick isn't interested, is a bit tedious. Unfortunately, we're females and not that direct. Sorry dudes.

2. Have a decent screen name. yellowboogers23 is not very attractive or impressive.

3. Watch the copy/paste. I'm aware on a site like this, you're looking at other girl's profiles, but please don't call me Samantha in your private message.

4. Don't look like a creep - or please upload a picture. I'm not a fan of being harsh, so when one guy asked in an email reasons why I wouldn't be interested, I was blunt about it but not mean. It wasn't all about his looks, but it's an example for this reason. His profile picture had a vacant stare and no smile and looked a bit unfriendly (stalker perhaps? it's the internet... could be anyone). I let him know that his picture is a first impression and after a day or so he thanked me and I noticed a new uploaded image. His smiling picture definitely looked more approachable, and I'm sure his viewings are higher these days.

1 comment:

  1. You and I should definitely compare notes on the sorts of experiences we get on OK Cupid. I bet your experiences and mine are completely, totally, freakishly different. :)

